IDR | 28 Mar 2023

Gender pay gap support seminar

Join us on Wednesday, May 24 for a free thought-provoking seminar on the Gender Pay Gap. The event will take place at virtually via Microsoft teams from 10.00 am- 11.30am (approximately) and is open to everyone interested in learning more about this important topic.

During this event, we will explore the Gender Pay Gap and its implications for women in the workforce. You will hear from our gender pay gap expert Louisa Withers who will share her experiences and insights on the issue. We will also have an interactive discussion where delegates can ask questions and share their own perspectives on the Gender Pay Gap.

The event will cover topics such as:

  • What might your gender pay gap figures indicate about the reasons for these gaps?
  • How can we help you understand the reasons for your pay gaps, and how can we help you reduce them?
  • How gender pay gaps intersect and interact with pay gaps for other groups with protected characteristics, such as employees with disabilities or staff with specific sexual orientations.

This event is an opportunity to engage with delegates and learn more about the Gender Pay Gap. We encourage everyone to attend and contribute to the conversation.

Please use the book seminar button to claim your free place.